One single word


Well-Known Member
I know you and you know me
probably better than anyone else does.
It feels like you are a part of me,
and I know that I am a part of you.
We don't need to say a single word.

It is like the best relationship I ever had,
constructed on broken hearts,
on a sad romance that never came true,
but still the best that could ever have happened.
And we don't need to say just one single word.

So we are walking through this life,
sharing dreams and keeping secrets,
sometimes thinking about the beginning,
about our old story that we never speak about.
Not even with one single word.

We keep it as a secrect,
even though we know everything from each other,
is it not allowed to speak about these old times,
about old stories and hurting feelings.
Not even with one single word.

I love you my friend,
and I loved you then,
I don't want this old time back,
'cause I could never be as happy as I am now.
Not even for one single word.

But still I wonder,
if you could have been the one to change everything,
if you still could come up and change everything,
with just one single word.
Only one single word.

Actually I am afraid of it,
I don't want you to be able to change anything,
and I'm glad that you don't know about my feelings,
because I am afraid that you are the one, who still could change my life.

With only one single word.
