Veranstaltung : The Founding Myths of Turkish Antisemitism



Veranstaltungen des Zentrums und Kooperation mit anderen Einrichtungen:

Vortrag: The Founding Myths of Turkish Antisemitism
Kooperation mit dem Zentrum Moderner Orient
17. Februar 2010, 18 Uhr

Until recently the Republic of Turkey presented itself as a country where no tradition of antisemitism existed. Turkey intended to depict itself in sharp contrast to other Muslim Middle Eastern countries as a place where Jewish citizens (a miniscule minority) had lived for centuries in peace. Lately, however, there have been reports expressing fears of a growing current of antisemitism in Turkey. Rifat Bali will analyze the historical and current situation in Turkey concerning antisemitism presenting the prevailing ideologies and their historical roots.

* Programm der Veranstaltung

Veranstaltungsreihe Lebenszeugnisse
In Kooperation mit dem Literaturforum im Brecht-Haus.

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