You know you are german if....


New Member
Ist zwar alles in English aber ich habe mal eine Sammlung der besten Aussagen zusammengestellt...eventuell kann man dem ganzen vielleicht noch etwas hinzufuegen????

You know you are german, if: stop at the red man without a car in sight reprimand strangers in the street for busting rules. mix Coke with beer. convert everything into DM's before paying.

...You find nudity on TV normal.

...You hate Bush and America, but have no real idea why. separate your trash into more than five different bins.

...your front door has a sign with your family name made from salt dough. carry a "4You" backpack. eat a cold dinner at 6pm. call your cell phone "handy" and a projector "beamer". have no problems with nude beaches and saunas. have gotten splinters from environmentally friendly toiled paper. call an afternoon stroll "Nordic Walking". are shocked when you have to pay for dental care. own a pair of jeans in a color other than blue.

...people start talking about Hitler and Hofbräuhaus when you tell them where you're from.

...tenth grade was all about dancing lessons. work 40 hour weeks and have 6 weeks of vacation a year, but complain about hard times.

...your childhood diet consisted of Alete and Zwieback. Your college diet consisted of Miracoli and Döner. were educated about sex by Dr. Sommer. yell at people for jaywalking. grew up watching "Löwenzahn" and "Die Sendung mit der Maus". And Baywatch. think college tuition is an outrage. routinely go 100mph on the highway and tailgate heavily.

...on your last day of high school you made your teachers sing karaoke and jump through hoops. wear brown leather shoes.

...your first audio tape was Benjamin Blümchen and Bibi Blocksberg. have ended an English sentence with "...and so" and “..., or?” can tell at least one Manta joke.'re a college student in your 11th year.

...your first sexual experience was on Sat1, Saturday night at 11pm. spent hours in school learning to pronounce "th". expect chocolate in your shoes on December 6th. complain that in other countries everything is dirty. ride against oncoming traffic on the bike path and yell "Augen auf!" to annoyed bikers. argue for keeping the shops closed on Sundays so that those poor cashiers and shop workers can keep the sacred "family day". think smoking is an expression of freedom. is 36°C in the subway and you go around and close all the windows because of the breeze. eat something called a "Currywurst", which has nothing to do with curry. have a guest and the phone rings. You talk for 45 minutes to a friend while your guest waits. are obsessed about protecting your private data... but answer the phone with your last name.

...the computer is part of your job and you type 100 words a minute. With only your index fingers.

...your interational friends are annoyed that they are still described as an "acquaintance" after you've long been introduced as a "friend".


New Member
AW: You know you are german if.... get up at 6 in the morning to reserve your sunbed with a towel and then go back to sleep till later go to school in a gymnasium. say PorschE, not Porsh! freak out at the fact that Canadians/ Americans/ Brits use margarine for EVERYTHING... or SALTED always have a pack of TEMPOS on you. watch "Der 90.Geburstag - Dinner for One" on New Year's Eve every year and can still laugh about it. burst into tears of happiness when you find that the Lidl markets in the UK sell Fleischsalat, not forgetting Salami, German yoghurts, German bread mix and so on! believe that wooden toys are educationally superior (aren't they? - Ed) think there is nothing wrong with dark brown tiles in your bathroom. know who Jim Knopf and Urmel are. don't use anything but the finest Diddl Maus stationary have guests coming and everything must be cleaned so it is pikobello sauber....even though it already was

...there is no such thing as BBQ only grillen

...there is only one Rudi Voeller

...the cold evening meal is eaten off wooden boards not plates. are looking for the "esszett" i.e. ß on your keyboard know what Das Sandmännchen is. understand the following: I understand only railwaystation!


Active Member
AW: You know you are german if....

Also insgesamt bin ich ja beruhigt, dass die Amis (?) scheinbar mindestens genauso viele Vorurteile uns gegenüber haben, ich ich in Bezug auf sie :tongue: stop at the red man without a car in sight .

Absolut immer:lol: So kann man im Berliner Zentrum auch die deutschen von den internationalen Touris unterscheiden...

Nieeemals. Vielleicht machen das hier einige, weil wir nicht so scheußliche Kirsch"biere" produziere wie z.B. die Belgier, unser Bier aber nicht nur nach Wasser schmeckt, wie bei den Engländern, Amis oder Kanadiern... separate your trash into more than five different bins..

Naja fünf sind es wohl nicht ganz. Hatte letztens eine französische Freundin zu Besuch, die mich fragte in welchen Müll sie was werfen müsste. Ich erklärte kurz und sagte dann im Zweifel sei es aber auch nicht schlimm wenn sie alles in den Normalmüll wirft. Sie war entsetzt und meinte "Nein! Das ist es was wir in der Schule über die Deutschen lernen. Jetzt wo ich hier bin, will ich das auch mal kennenlernen!"
Man, das war eine kulturelle Erlebnisreise für sie...

...people start talking about Hitler and Hofbräuhaus when you tell them where you're from...

Ja. Immer, überall... have ended an English sentence with "...and so" and “..., or?”...

Lol :redface:

...your first sexual experience was on Sat1, Saturday night at 11pm.

Das war Nachts um halb 1.... complain that in other countries everything is dirty.

Ne, ich komme aus Berlin...Aber egal wo ich ins Ausland reise, die Leute erzählen mir immer wie sauber es bei uns sei... argue for keeping the shops closed on Sundays so that those poor cashiers and shop workers can keep the sacred "family day"..

Ich argumentiere stattdessen, dass in Belgiens Hauptstadt die Geschäfte mal länger als bis 17h30 geöffnet haben sollten.... think smoking is an expression of freedom.

Ohne Worte... burst into tears of happiness when you find that the Lidl markets in the UK sell Fleischsalat, not forgetting Salami, German yoghurts, German bread mix and so on!

jaaa, immer wieder ein rührender Moment!

Insgesamt bin ich wohl ziemlich typisch deutsch...


New Member
AW: You know you are german if....


Deine Kommentare sind der Brueller und vor allem noch witziger als die eigentlichen Vorurteile...shiiiiit...ich lach mich tot :lol::lol::lol:

Maaaan, wuerde das mal jeder machen, ich laege heute die ganze Nacht rollend aufem Boden :lol:

Best hey :D


Active Member
AW: You know you are german if.... separate your trash into more than five different bins..

Richtig! Wenn man Papier und Glas noch extra sortiert - dazu Biomüll, GelbeTonne und der Restmüll = 5 ......dann noch die Plastikflaschen vom Dualen System :lol:

Dafür war ich 1995 schockiert, als ich in Canada war und die dort wirklich ALLES in einen Sack schmeißen.:icon_eyecrazy:

Currywurst war ein schlechtes Beispiel (da ist Curry drauf).....besser wäre der LEBERKÄSE gewesen.......:lol:


AW: You know you are german if....

Richtig! Wenn man Papier und Glas noch extra sortiert - dazu Biomüll, GelbeTonne und der Restmüll = 5 ......dann noch die Plastikflaschen vom Dualen System :lol:

Dafür war ich 1995 schockiert, als ich in Canada war und die dort wirklich ALLES in einen Sack schmeißen.:icon_eyecrazy:

Currywurst war ein schlechtes Beispiel (da ist Curry drauf).....besser wäre der LEBERKÄSE gewesen.......:lol:

Bei einer meiner Geschäftsreisen nach D - länger her - dachte ich, so und jetzt einer dieser Currywürste muss nun sein ... ähm, ja. Nicht dass, was ich gedacht und erwartet hatte... kulinarisch gesehen.. :lol: